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Ph.D. in Sociology

Date:2015-12-25    View:

Training Scheme for Doctoral Candidates of Sociology (First Level Discipline)(0303)

I Training Objectives  

This program aims at training high-caliber and all-round talents in sociology, who can meet the demands of economic and social development of China.

Specific requirements are as follows:

1 Systematically master the basic theories and professional knowledge in sociology, and understand the development of the fore front sociology theories both in China and internationally;

2 Be familiar with the history, current situation and the development trend of sociology research both in China and internationally;

3 Systematically master the principles and methods of social survey and social study;

4 Have the ability to conduct independent research in sociological theories and practices;

5 Be proficient in a foreign language, especially when it comes to the areas of sociology.

II Research Directions

1) Theoretical Sociology Direction: theoretical sociology mainly includes three aspects "theory", "history", and "methodology." This direction of research focuses on the social operation, social transformation and social mutual - construction and other related theories, and analyzes social development, social management and social construction related issues. Conduct both transverse studies (from the perspective of "logic") and longitudinal studies (from the perspective of "history"). The main courses include “Selected Readings of Classic Works on Sociology”, “Lectures on the Frontiers of Western Sociological Theory”, etc.

2) Social Risk Management Direction: This research direction mainly focuses on the social risk and public crisis issues during the period of social transformation, industrialization, and urbanization, and their influences upon the social development of China. Meanwhile, conduct comparative studies on these issues in the context of globalization, analyze and try to identify the sources, causes, mechanism, and patterns of these risks and crisis, so as to control them.  

3) Sociology of Development Direction: this research direction is based on the practices of developing countries, while drawing on the experiences of the developed countries’ modernization process, and conducts a comprehensive study of the theories, approaches, and experiences of different countries’ modernization in the past hundreds of years.    

4) Urban Sociology Direction: this research direction mainly studies the emergence and development of cities, as well as the social structure, social organization, social community, social administration, social behavior, social problems, lifestyle, social psychology, social relationship, and social development patterns of cities. This research direction focuses on the immigration of rural population to cities, the blending-in of migrant workers into the cities, the community development of the cities, and etc. Main courses include “Topic Research of Urban Sociology” and others.

5) Chinese Labor Research Direction: Chinese labor research is an important research area that needs further enhancement and development. This research direction uses the theories and methodology of sociology to study the issues of contemporary Chinese workers and labor relations, with special focuses on the factory system, worker groups, and labor relations. It pays attention to the exploration of theories and policies.

6) Urban and Rural Development Direction: this research direction is based on the general theories of development studies and the general rules of urban and rural development during the process of modernization worldwide, and focuses on the issues of poverty and the balanced development of urban and rural areas during China’s process of modernization. It pays equal attention to the study of theories and policies, with special focus on the cross-regional, cross-cultural, and cross-disciplinary studies.  

7) Social Administration Direction: to explore social administration theories with Chinese characteristics, to innovate social administration system, and to build a new structure for social administration, are not only important academic issues, but also important practical needs. This direction studies the principles, means, and methods of social administration, especially grassroots social administration. It emphasizes on the combination of theories and practices.

8) Social Policy Direction: this direction studies policies of social security, basic public service, and so on. It focuses on the fore front and major issues of social policy study, with special focus on the study of disadvantaged groups, special groups (AIDS patients), and poverty alleviation.

III Standard Program Duration, Maximum Duration, and Total Credits

The standard program duration for doctoral candidates is three years, the maximum duration is six years, and the total credits required are 16 to 18 credits (16 hours/ credit). The course study takes one year (during which time the students also need to conduct practice activities and make initial preparation for the academic dissertation), and the work of dissertation normal takes at leasttwo years. Doctoral candidates are not allowed to graduate earlier than the standard duration.

IV Curricular Design

The curricular design and teaching schedules are set according to the standard three years duration. (For detailed course information, please refer to the <Curricular Design Form for Doctoral Candidates of Sociology >).

During the doctoral study period, 6 credits of public courses are required; 6 credits of major courses are required; 2 credits of direction courses are required; 2 to 4 credits of elective courses are required (Students can choose necessary elective courses according to the requirement of their research topics, under the guidance of their supervisors); 2 credits of practice activities are required (Please refer to the Section V, Practice Activities). Total credits required are 15-18 credits.  

Those who have the equivalent educational level as the regular degree-holders, or those whose academic backgrounds are from a different discipline, should take supplementary courses, which are mainly the core courses from the Master Degree program of sociology.

V Practice Activities  

Doctoral candidates should complete at lease four course papers, and two “academic-year thesis”, before graduation. At least 2 academic papers should be published in Chinese core journals or higher-caliber journals, in the name of School of Sociology of CCNU. 2 credits will be awarded if the above-mentioned requirement is met.

Doctoral candidates should participate in at least two social surveys, with an accumulated time of at least four weeks, before graduation. The supervisors should guide the doctoral candidates to make survey plans before the survey begins. After the survey, doctoral candidates should write survey reports, and the supervisors should grade the reports. The content of social survey should be recorded in the <Academic Degree Doctoral Candidates’ Practice Activity Evaluation Form of CCNU>, and whether they pass its evaluation or not, will be a factor in deciding whether they can attend their oral defense.  

VI Scientific Research

1.The scientific research work of doctoral candidates will combine theory and practice, and will be centered with the supervisor’s research projects.

2.Doctoral candidates should actively participate in the field study, material collecting, consulting service, and academic meetings. They should attend at least 10 academic activities (academic lectures, seminars, and meetings), and record them in the <Registration Form of Graduate Students Participation of Academic Activities of CCNU>. The supervisor should evaluate that before they graduate.

3.Doctoral candidates should publish at least 2 academic papers in CSSCI journals in the name of School of Sociology of CCNU, before graduation.

VII Academic Dissertation

1.Before the end of the third semester, doctoral candidates should decide the title of their academic dissertation, pass the opening report of their academic dissertation, and make the work plan of their academic dissertation.

2.The mid-term evaluation of the academic dissertation will be conducted in the beginning of the fifth semester, by a group of 4 to 5 supervisors.

3.Doctoral candidates have to attend the “preparatory oral defense” in the beginning of the sixth semester, before they attend their oral defense. The “preparatory oral defense” committee will consist of 5 supervisors, and they will vote to decide if the candidates pass the “preparatory oral defense”. Those who do not pass the “preparatory oral defense” cannot attend the oral defense.

4.The evaluation of academic dissertation will be conducted by two anonymous experts from outside CCNU.

5.The oral defense for academic dissertation will normally be held in each May and December, and the oral defense committee will consist of five persons, one or two of them must be experts from outside CCNU.

6.The requirements for doctoral dissertation topics and the level of the dissertation are as follows:

(1)The dissertation topic should have theoretical and practical significance, and reflect the features of sociology discipline.

(2)The dissertation should have certain academic value, being innovative in its content or methodology, and reach the fore front level of this research area.

(3)The dissertation should not only reflect the author’s good mastery of basic theories and research methods of his or her major, but also reflect his or her good research abilities.

(4)The format of the academic dissertation should be in accordance with the regulations of CCNU’s degree conferment rules and other relevant rules.

VIII Training Mode

The training of doctoral candidates will be conducted by the combination of supervisors and the Major Steering Groups, combining theories with practices, combining the standard requirement with the individual need, combining systematic theoretical study with scientific research, combining lectures with discussions, and combining studies on campus and practices off campus. The details are as follows:  

1.Adopt the Supervisor Responsible System. The supervisor should supervise both academically and ideologically. The supervisor should not only guide the students’ academic study and scientific research, but also their moral cultivation and scientific ethnics. The supervisors will take liable responsibilities for their students’ academic misconduct and misbehavior.

2.Guide the doctoral candidates to participate in their supervisor’s research projects, and pay attention to the systematic training in scientific research.

3.Actively build cooperation platforms both domestically and internationally, and actively promote joint-programs and exchanges.

4.Make full use of the group supervising of the “topic group”.

IX Required Reading

The reading list of required books and journals is attached at the end of this training scheme, please refer to the <Major List of Books and Journals for Doctoral Candidates in the Discipline of Sociology>.

X Other Regulations

1.The results of all the required course studies, practice and research activities, dissertation and other contents prescribed by this training scheme will have to be assessed. The assessment method, grading standard, and other relevant regulations will be implemented according to <The Assessment and Grading Management Measures for Graduate Students of CCNU>.

2.In accordance with this doctoral candidates training scheme, and under the guidance of their supervisors, every doctoral candidate should make their own personal training (learning) plan on the Graduate Education Management System, within three months of their enrolment. They should complete the “online course-registration” each semester according to their personal training plan. The personal training plan has to be evaluated and approved by the supervisor and the head of the Major Steering Group, and then print out four copies for the Graduate School to seal and keep records.

3.The completion of this training scheme and the personal training plan is the basic requirement for doctoral candidates’ graduation and degree conferment.