CCNU's Social Work Undergraduate Program ranked 6th in the latest Chinese university ranking    2016-03-01      Landmark Opening of Chinese-Australian Social Work Research Center    2015-12-03

March 22,2014 Professor Wakita Kenichi of Japan Ryukoku University Visted our school

Date:2015-12-27    View:


 At 9:30 on March 22nd, the Professor Wakita Kenichi visited our school to get to know more about the basic situation and teaching facilities of social work and sociology. The vice-president WAN Rende, department head XU Xiaojun,Professor LOU Zhangshen and YONG Shengyong participated in this activity.

 The vice-president WANG showed a warm welcome to Professor Xietianjianyi and his companions and gave a brief introduction to the people presented. Then he introduced the enrollment of the undergraduate, postgraduate, doctor and exchange students in our school in general. After that, Professor Wakita Kenichi also introduced the basic situation of counterpart departments in Ryukoku University in details. He suggested that as CCNU and Ryukoku University are both international universities, the two universities should strengthen the communication and cooperation.

 Then, accompanied by president WAN and Professor LOU, the guests visited some teaching and research facilities such as archives room, individual work offices, group work offices with related teachers.

 The visit went successfully. It not only strengthened the academic communications between both universities but also set stage for our new international development.