Sep., 2006 -- Jul., 2010 Department of Sociology, Renmin University of China B.A.
Oct., 2010-- Jul., 2011 Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge Mphil
Oct., 2011-- Jun., 2016 Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge Ph.D
Funded by Grace and Thomas Chan Scholarship
My research interests lie in the area of ethnicity, social integration and education.
1.Book chapter: “When Politics Meet Marriage – the changes of marriage practices among migrated Yi cadres in Liangshan” in Boundaries of Belonging: Nation, Kinship, and Identity among Migrants and Minorities, ed. Francesca Decimo and Alessandra Gribaldo(Springer, IMISCOE series, forthcoming)
2. Ph.D Thesis: Changing Ethnicity: A Study of Three-generation Yi Cadres in Liangshan , China
3. Translation: 《现象学社会学》,刘聪慧,郭之天,张琦译,北京大学出版社,2010.9 (Harvie Ferguson, Phenomenological Sociology—Experience and Insight in Modern Society, 2006)
Race and Ethnicity, Statistics